
I am running for the school board on a platform of equity, providing high quality education to every student in the district, and representation for the whole district. When organizations make sure to hear all voices, including those historically underserved, we get better at serving EVERYONE. Education is not a zero sum game. We ALL benefit when every single child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. I believe in educating the whole child in connection with community. I will build a collaborative and mutually respectful relationship with the community, school district, and other board members. Public schools are critical to a functioning democracy. Decision making should be based on the district’s mission of excellence and equity, values-based fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency.

  • Fair, transparent, and accessible processes and procedures
  • Measurable and accountable outcomes
  • Fiscal responsibility based on values and mission
  • Socioemotional well-being, mental health, and safety for ALL students
  • Family engagement
  • Attract and retain high quality educators
  • Build a sense of inclusion and belonging into learning environments and throughout the district to foster family engagement
  • Bridge persistent opportunity gaps combined with high standards of excellence.
  • Bridging our diverse community together for excellent and equitable public education for ALL students.