About admin
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But we are proud to say that admin contributed 14 entries already.
Entries by admin
Farewell for now and thank you/No es mas que un hasta luego
/0 Comments/in Events, Upcoming/by adminDear supporters, friends, family, colleagues, and community members, It is with a heavy heart that I’m notifying you all that as a result of the FUHSD redistricting process, I am not able to run in the new north Sunnyvale trustee area for 2024 based on the location of my home. The promise of education is […]
Allison’s public comment at final map hearing 4/24/24
/0 Comments/in Events, Upcoming/by adminI’m speaking for those left fallen through the cracks amidst other regional politics. Last week my daughter’s teacher told me, “Keep fighting for us.” She’s a US born graduate level educated Latina bilingual educator. She said to me, “I know my place. When I speak up for us Latinos in education I get dismissed or […]
Allison’s response to release of Map 8
/0 Comments/in Events, Upcoming/by adminI appreciate the many efforts to come close to the prioritized Hispanic/Latino Citizens of Voting Age Population (CVAP) of 28.4% in Maps 2-4, including the recent addition of Map 8 with a Hispanic/Latino CVAP percentage of 28%. After the inclusion of Map 8, I am looking at the numbers of actual human Hispanic/Latino voters behind […]
Follow up to Allison’s public comment at March 20 map hearing
/0 Comments/in Events, Upcoming/by adminThis is a follow up on my public comment at the Mapping Hearing on March 20. I realize my perspective came as a surprise to many and there is a lot of nuance and complexity that may not have been captured in my 2-minute comment. First and foremost I want to commend the CTAD committee, […]
Allison’s public comment at March 20 Map Hearing
/0 Comments/in Events, Upcoming/by adminI appreciate everyone’s dedication, care, and work on the redistricting process. Equity can look a lot of different ways with different outcomes and methods. It should always center the vulnerable and those who are the most marginalized by these processes. The fact that these maps created a trustee area that prioritized Hispanics/Latinos seems to have […]
Paid for by Allison Joe for School Board 2026
FPPC #1460937
Contact: [email protected]
Your Support Matters
This is a completely grassroots supported and funded campaign. Any amount of volunteer time or money you can donate is welcome and appreciated. If you can’t donate time or money, your vote, getting my name out in the community, and words of encouragement are most appreciated. Thank you!